CMT-Associated Genes
Their Related Subtypes
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the Related Subtype Discoveries

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ex: PMP22, SORD, CMTDIG, dHMN-2C, 1999
Gene Names/Symbols and Subtypes Should Be
Abbreviated as Shown in the Above Example

CMT-Associated Genes
Their Related Subtypes

Experts in CMT's CMT-Associated Genes database represents the most comprehensive publicly available searchable catalog of CMT-associated genes and their related subtypes. Every effort has been made to ensure the most up-to-date information on CMT-associated gene discovery and their related CMT subtypes is available here. Using the database search tools, you can easily search by type, by neuropathy, by inheritance, by chromosome, or by any combination of these options from dropdown menus. You can also search by typing in the gene symbol (i.e., MFN2 for MITOFUSIN 2), the subtype name, such as CMT2C, SORD-Deficiency, or dHMN-5C, for example (and not case sensitive), or by year of discovery.
Whether you're a CMTer, a physician/practicing clinician, or a CMT researcher who needs a CMT genetics reference, this database provides difficult to find CMT genetics data that is otherwise the most basic of CMT information. The search tools of this database display subtype-gene correlations. Searching for a CMT-associated gene returns the subtype(s) related to the gene. Searching for a CMT subtype returns the subtype and basic genetic information for that subtype, such as its associated gene, inheritance pattern, etc.
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